Friday, September 21, 2018

2018.09.20 Day #14 Driving Face

Yesterday, I was driving out of my mom's neighborhood to take Calvin on a mommy/son date. While I was heading out I noticed someone driving in the opposite direction into the neighborhood. I could tell the person inside was a girl and she had the biggest smile on her face! I thought... Wow! She is just doing her driving and has the best attitude about it! For the next couple of minutes I thought, you know who that reminds me of... Mikayla. My oldest niece has a seriously infectious smile and zest for living life in a happy way. I rarely see her "down"...

Anywho this person driving with a big smile on her face made me think of Mikayla and her optimistic attitude and made me wonder what my face looks like when I'm driving. Do I have a giant grin? Am I telling the kids to knock it off? Am I air drumming like my Dad? Do I just look bored?

What's my driving face going to be like today?

***Turns out the girl driving was Mikayla, but I honestly didn't know it at the time!

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