Sunday, September 2, 2018

2018.09.02 Day #4 - Best Photos of the Week

"If you've never been frog kissin', then you don't know what you've been missin'!"

Another awesome thing my niece, Mikayla, does, is throw out some great pictures with "one-word" captions... I'm pretty sure I will not be able to do one-word captions... but I can certainly shoot for "one-phrase!"
She's been having a rough week with recess at school for some reason... so we did a Mommy/Daughter date to the pool... clearly her choice, not mine!

The beet that ate the shirt that matches Calvin's shorts... No, no... I never did have a shirt that matched those shorts.
Calvin has an uncanny ability to help with canning.
Jane's new favorite way to stroll.
"Is this corn hand-shucked?"

"Glasses... I cool!"

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