Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Katie says she hates money. I was wanting more of it. Hm...

[If you haven't joined already, you should]

I applied to 2 Nursing Informatics programs today -- the U of U and Duke. Feeling good about it, but still a little anxious.  I of course just want to know right *NOW*.  Now we just wait (and apply for a few more in the meantime, just in case).  I am very excited for the program though and the jobs out there.  

Katie and I were talking, and beings that a majority of the Nursing Informatics programs out there are distance-education, that gives us the freedom to stay living here, or wherever we want.  The U of U isn't online, but hey ... we live here, so it works too.  So . . . we're now officially open to the possibility of moving into a more permanent living situation!

I knew I wasn't going to make as much as I could be making while working at a hospital, but I'm also very glad for the ICU experience, and I love my job. Because of the opportunities my job gives me, I wouldn't change anything I've done.  I'm very glad to be where I am.  

Still, part of the opportunity cost there is the income.  We rattled through our budget and monthly income vs. outputs.  Of course, I wish it looked prettier, but it is what it is.  Sure, we can probably make some lifestyle adjustments and get a few more bucks, but that won't double our income.  I also don't want to buy a house based on what we *could* make after I graduate.  That sounds like not-smart.

So our million dollar house and yacht are out.  Sorry folks.  In the meantime, we'll look for something more conservative, but still try to stick 'round here.  We've got our money stats all laid out on a neat little spreadsheet, but still, we don't know what we can reasonably afford.

We need a financial counselor -- you know -- one that we don't have to pay.  

And a flying pig. (Hey, bacon flies right?)

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Most financial planners I have dealt with steer you a direction that will make them more money. That's the point of their business after all. So good luck with that! But I love the idea of you staying in Utah of course.