Thursday, August 30, 2018

2018.08.30 Day #1 - Poetry

My niece, Mikayla recently challenged herself to write something every day. Unlike her, I don't particularly enjoy writing, but I do think journalling is important. So I'm revamping my efforts on the blog! It may be short, but I'm going to try to follow suit. 

Another thing Mik excels at is writing poetry. I admit I don't know the rules. I don't know the format. I don't really know how to "do" it. But I've been thinking poetical thoughts lately for some reason, and I need a place to write it down. So here goes nothin'...


To every season - it is certainly true,
It seems there's always canning to do.

Winter - Jars are cleaned, stacked, and organized
Spring - You must prune, plant, and fertilize
Summer - Weed, water, don't forget to pesticize
Fall - Pick, sort, wash, peel, slice, then pressurize

I didn't realize canning was always on mom's "To Do."
I call her often when I need a clue,
Is this tradition something worth carrying through?
Will my children take pride in filled jars too?

Peaches for frozen fruit and jars, grating zucchini for muffins, and pickled banana peppers

About 13 cups of Blackberry Jelly

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