Here's a picture of my belly at 30+ weeks... funny how pregnancy makes you stick your rear end out...
For Valentine's Day Brett gave me a bag of Double Stuf Oreos and peanut M&Ms. He also fashioned some pretty impressive white roses out of toilet paper and some greenery that I had thrown away. Then he made a cute note "Two tickets to that thing you love!" (Referencing this Old Spice commercial).So we're going to "Tale of Two Cities" at the Hale next month - yay! All I had for him was dinner, which I made rather quickly and which didn't taste superb in my opinion (how do you mess up spaghetti?)... but he's a good sport and "liked it anyway"
As for the dog...
In the "What's to Expect" book, it says that you have to prep the pets for the new addition to the family as well. Although he's 61 in dog years, Reggie is something of a child himself. He can be very needy for attention, and pretty much wants to be in your lap no matter what you're doing. He doesn't understand that he can't type of the computer, why he can't sit at the table with everyone else, or why humans don't really enjoy being breathed on when you haven't brushed your teeth... ever.
I hope he can handle the adjustment well.
It's a good thing that the tush sticks out more so you don't fall over frontside eh?
YUP. Reggie is in for a shocker... And for that matter, so are you guys! :) But something tells me that you will handle it better than Reggie does. The good news here is that Grandma Groneman can hold the baby for you.... :)
You don't have to take care of a kid can kick them out of the house legally when they are 18. I can tell from all the cute pictures of the IS time for you to have a baby......
The dog is just preparing you for when you have a toddler, who will want to sit on your lap when you're trying to type on the computer (as is happening for me right now), pull on your leg and pull everything out of the kitchen cupboards/drawers when you're trying to make dinner, and well, pretty much "be there" any time you're wanting to relax. But I wouldn't trade those inconveniences for the world. I'm excited for you guys!!!
I love your cute pregnant belly! I'm soe excited for you! Almost done : )
Maybe the dog would feel better if you named the baby after him... Regina?
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