My girl is 2 - craziness! She's still in a fun stage, minus the obstinate, stubborn parts. She still doesn't eat much of a variety and Gerber raviolis are still her favorite food. She loves to sing and dance and is really in to Winnie the Pooh these days. This morning it was raining and she burst in to "And the rain, rain, rain, came down, down, down, in rushing, rising rivulets. And the river crept out of it's bed and crept right in to Piglet's!" Of course, how she says it is, "Rain, rain, rain, dam, dam, dam, rushing, rushing, Piglets!" Once again, I have to explain that she's not swearing, she's just not saying things right...
We only had a few presents for her - I'm all about low expectations :)... but she loved them. I made her second year scrap book (photo book from Shutterfly), and she got a new puzzle. I've had these wrapped and on the table for a few weeks and she's been so good not to bother them. She knew they were presents and I told her she couldn't open them until her birthday. As it approached I would say, "It's almost your birthday!" then she would point at the small pile and say, "Presents!" - so I know she knew they were for her birthday, but she was awesomely patient in not getting to open them. The morning of her birthday she was very happy to finally be able to get them down and rip them open.
It was morning, night perm for both of us going on in these photos. She actually really loves reading these books all about her, who wouldn't! |
During the first session of conference on Sunday Brett set up the toddler bed we got for free from a friend (yay for free stuff). Lindy loved it! A little too much, I think. She played on that bed for almost the entire 2 hours of conference, or climbing on Brett while he set it up. She grabbed a bunch of her blankies from her crib and "snuggled" with them on the new bed and went to "sleep" complete with fake snoring. We tried to have her in it last night, she wanted to sleep in "little Lindy bed," but when push came to shove she kept climbing out, and back to the crib she went. But I'm glad she likes it, and definitely isn't afraid of it. The problem is going to be getting out and reading books all night...
My brother-in-law Justin made us these shirts for Christmas last year - mine was dirty, so I couldn't join in the multi-colored fun, but I think these two look cute when they match. |
We spent Saturday's conference day with Brett's family and she got completely spoiled by her Grandma Marilyn. Lots of fun toys and a blow-up pool for the summer - we will really enjoy that, I'm sure! But of course, her favorite part of the gift was the huge bag it all came in, and she had to be in it. I think she's part cat - she likes to be in small boxes, bags, buckets, etc.
She wasn't super excited by the princess pumpkin wagon, but was pretty struck by the Tonka truck - that's my girl! |
Fishies for the pool! |
Someone, let the cat out of the bag! |
On Sunday we went to my parent's for afternoon conference. I made a Pooh Bear carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. The frosting was a little melty... but it was more tasty than most frostings in my opinion. I'm not a fancy cake decorator (although I think it would be fun to learn), but this cake didn't take forever and I think Lindy liked it, although she didn't seem to recognize it as Winnie the Pooh, she thought it was a "smiley face" but that works too.
A little apprehensive about the candle situation |
Instead of singing the birthday song she wanted us to sing the Winnie the Pooh song the whole time...